Business Case


What is SRE UI Business Competition?

The SRE UI Business Case Competition focuses on enhancing analytical skills and increasing participants’ knowledge to solve real-industry problems, particularly in technology and economy. With the grand theme of “Renewable Energy Integration for EnePentahelixty”, it underscores the pressing need for businesses to utilize energy security, bridging the gap between sustainability and the reduction of economic risks. The competition consists of two stages: the preliminary and final stage. Approximately 80 teams, totaling around 240 individuals, will be required to submit a proposal initially and a pitch deck if they advance to the final stage. The winner will be announced at the Grand Closing, alongside Pentahelix Talks, scheduled on 12 June 2024.


The modern world grapples with the crucial balance between economic development and environmental sustainability. Nowhere is this challenge more evident than in the realm of energy. Businesses, particularly those in the technology and economy sectors, play a critical role in shaping the future of energy consumption.

The SRE UI Business Case Competition emerges against this backdrop, focusing on “Renewable Energy Integration for Energy Security”. This theme highlights the urgent need for businesses to embrace renewable energy not just as an environmental imperative but as a strategic economic decision.

By integrating renewable energy sources into their operations, businesses can:

Enhance Energy Security

Reduce dependence on volatile fossil fuel markets and ensure a reliable, secure energy supply.

Minimize Economic Risks

Mitigate the impact of price fluctuations and potential supply disruptions associated with traditional energy sources.

Contribute to sustainability

Foster responsible environmental practices and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

This competition aims to equip participants with the knowledge and analytical skills necessary to address this complex challenge. Through case studies and presentations, participants will grapple with real-world scenarios and develop innovative solutions that:

Bridge the gap between energy security and economic viability.

Demonstrate the potential of renewable energy integration for businesses.

Offer practical and sustainable solutions for the future of energy consumption.

By fostering critical thinking, collaboration, and innovative problem-solving, this competition empowers participants to become future leaders in shaping a more sustainable and secure energy landscape for the business world. The combined efforts of these participants and the SRE UI Business Case Competition can pave the way for a future where economic prosperity and environmental responsibility go hand in hand.

Series of Event


Training Session

  • Target Participants: 80 teams (+240 individuals), University students, National scale
  • Place: Online Platform

Preliminary Stage

  • Target Participants: 80 teams (+240 individuals), University students, National scale
  • Place: Online Platform

Final Stage

  • Target Participants: The top 5 teams from Preliminary Stage
  • Place: Balai Sidang Universitas Indonesia

Series of Event


Training Session

  • Target Participants: 80 teams (+240 individuals), University students, National scale
  • Place: Online Platform

Preliminary Stage

  • Target Participants: 80 teams (+240 individuals), University students, National scale
  • Place: Online Platform

Final Stage

  • Target Participants: The top 5 teams from Preliminary Stage
  • Place: Balai Sidang Universitas Indonesia

What We Need

  1. A business case that is relevant to our them
  2. Case Requirements : (Maximum at 26 April 2024)
    • The business case should follow the SRE UI Career Talk Business Case Competition grand theme which is, “Renewable Energy Integration for Energy Security”. No limitations of a specific aspect as long as it aligns with the theme.
    • It should be written in Bahasa Indonesia, filled with the necessary data and facts
      8 Judges that will assist in the preliminary and final stage
  3. Preliminary Stage = 5 judges will be evaluating 80 proposals with each maximum of 15 Pages A4 size (assessment date 17 May 2024 – 29 May 2024)
  4. Pitching Day = 3 judges will be evaluating 5 teams each with 10 slides presentation.



Preliminary Stage (Distribution of Case Studies)

3 – 16 May 2024

Final Stage (Pitch Deck)

12 June 2024


Awarding Day

  • 12 June 2024



Preliminary Stage (Distribution of Case Studies)

3 – 16 May 2024


Final Stage

12 June 2024


Awarding Day

12 June 2024